RELi@NCE NET H@CK ***Ultimate H@CK*** 1000%-WORKING

For subscribing just dial *123*099#
:Few steps for those who cant subscribe by the above mentioned code:
1. Deactivate all your packs, It is assumed that you are also deactivated from 99 Rs. Plan, if not then don't deactivate it in this step.
2. Activate your Default plan by wap site. Don't use Internet now otherwise it will charge you.
3. Open your status page. You will get your default plan status.
4. Now Deactivate your 99 Rs. Plan by calling 155223.
5. Now Continuously keep checking status page. After few time it will say no plan Subscribed.
6. Now subscribe the plan again through *123*099#. You should get that ur request for 99 Rs.....(The msg in the picture above) if you are not getting this screen then try it again.
7. Now again keep on refreshing and checking status page. In the mean time you can also check your balance by *367 and you can also keep on trying to subscribe for the plan.
8. After few minutes probably 15-30 min (depends on your Area network) you will see that your status page is showing plan 13 with start and end dates.Check your balance also. And now you are subscribed again.
1. To check your Usage - dial #367 and listen.
2. To check your status follow:
3. If you are getting Msg as " Unable to Process request " then keep on trying. This Msg is due to network problem.
4. The plan offers 2.5 gb for 1 month + additional 99 rs of net usage. You can use both "rcommms" and "rcomnet".
Here is settings for Different APN working with Reliance:
1. rcomnet -
Just write APN as rcomnet and leave everything as default. No proxy and port needed.
2. rcommms / rcomwap -
APN - rcommms (No Disconnection) or rcomwap (Disconnects after every 9 MB)
Proxy no - or
Port no- 8080
When your 2.5 GB is over or You need to increase validity then u can resubscribe the plan -
First u need to unsubscribe by sending sms Unsub 8024 to 155223 or Unsub 8022 to 155223.
If u get no Default configured then call 155223 and then select language by pressing 1 for English and 2 for Hindi.
Then type code as 2084 and press 1 to confirm.
After that u will also get msg as you have successfully unsubscribed.
Now subscribe again by dialing *123*099#
-:Special Thanks to:-
Roshan from Mumbai,
Maninder from Punjab &
Vinay Kumar from Sirsi, Karnataka
hi the trick is not working yar. Plz post new trick plz. The trick is not even working in 8 nd 9 series no's!
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