The Dangerous Summer - If You Could Only Keep Me Alive (MP3 Album)

(2007) MP3 - Album
Artist- Dangerous Summer
Release Date- 2007
Quality- 192 Kbps
Playing Time- 29 Min
Record- Hopeless Record
Genre- Rock
Duration- Album or EP
-Album notes-
Emo ranks up there withspeed metal as acontemporary musical style that has a strictly enforced set of stylistic parameters that it's bad form to push against. Maryland teens Dangerous Summer (named after Ernest Hemingway's bullfighting book) are entirely proficient at their brand of mainstream alterna-rock emo, but anyone who has heard more than one other band in this style will notice within 30 seconds of opening track "I Will Stay" that this quartet hasn't got a single original idea. Every emo cliché is present and accounted for, right down to Cody Payne's upwards- modulating vocals on the choruses. However, Dangerous Summer do this sort of thing quite well, and those who don't consider originality or inventiveness a prerequisite for enjoyment of the style will likely get behind this adequate but unspectacular EP.
1. I Would Stay
2. The Permanent Rain
3. Here We Are After Dark
4. Wake Up
5. Home
6. Disconnect
7. Of Confidence
[Click on the Tracks to Download]
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