Ringtone Media Studio is the best way to create your personalized ringtones from your mp3s and CDs, mobile movies from your video collection, and picture slideshows or mobile wallpapers from your photo collection. No subscriptions, no contracts, no pay-per-download. Create as many ringtones, wallpapers and movies as you want.
=::: Benefits :::=
Ringtone creation software. It’s your ringtones, photos and videos on your phone, fast and free!
* Works with both polyphonic and real music phones
* Compatible with over 800+ phones and all major cell phone carriers
* One-click transfer to your cell phone over the air
* Your own personal online locker to store your digital media
* Transfers any media to your phone
* No subscriptions, no contracts, no pay per download.
~~ !! Great Features !! ~~
* Your Music as Your Ringtone; Take any song and put it on your cell phone!
* Real Music Ringtones - Create real music ringtones from your CDs or mp3s.
* Polyphonic Ringtones - Edit files and easily customize tracks for your polyphonic compatible phone.
* Integrated File Manager - Drag your files over to the locker window and Ringtone Media Studio makes them available for download on your phone.
* DJ Ringtone Studio - Compose your own polyphonic ringtones with just a few mouse clicks.
* Over 30 different instruments and ringtone styles - make the possibilities endless.
* Intelligent beat matching - ensures that your ringtones sound like they came straight from the studio.
* Includes a library of 8,000+ Real Music and Polyphonic Ringtones, Photos & Videos
* Your Photos and Videos on the Go - No more taking pictures and recording videos with your low-resolution camera phone. Edit high-quality videos and put them on your cell phone.
* Mobile Backgrounds - Create wallpapers from any digital picture.
* Picture Slideshows - Bring your pictures to life by turning them into a video slideshow. Add transition effects, title effects, and even add your own soundtrack.
* Mobile Videos - Take your videos wherever you go to share with your friends and family.
---Click Here to Download Ringtone Media Studio 3.0.rar---
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