**In Hindi**
Directed By: Stephen Sommers
Produced By: Sean Daniel, James Jacks
Written By: Stephen Sommers
Starring: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, The Rock
~~~:: DescriptioN ::~~~
In 67 BC, the Scorpion King (Dwayne Johnson), led his army on a campaign to conquer the known world. After seven years of fighting, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and exiled to the desert of Ahm Shere. One by one they died of heat exhaustion, leaving only the Scorpion King who swears an oath to Anubis, god of the underworld, exchanging his soul for the power to defeat his enemies. Anubis grants his wish, creating an oasis to hide the Scorpion King's pyramid and by giving him his army, an endless legion of demonic anthropomorphic jackal-headed warriors, to exact his revenge. The Army of Anubis sweeps across Egypt, destroying everything in its path, but, once their task was finished, Anubis claims the Scorpion King's soul and his army.
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