Yahoo Messenger 11.0.1751 Beta Full Download

Keep friends at your fingertips with the new Yahoo! Messenger:
* Easier ways to stay up to date - See more updates from your friends in the detailed Messenger list
* Show off your status - Easily add links and emoticons to your status messages
* Watch videos together - Share videos from popular sites and watch them with friends right in your IM window

~~:: Other features Includes ::~~
1. Instant message with one friend, or conference in a bunch
2. Send text messages (SMS) to friends' mobile phones
3. Join a chat room to meet new friends while you discuss your favorite topics
4. Make free PC-to-PC calls and PC-to-phone calls for as low as 1¢ a minute (plus free voicemail!)
5. Use the built-in media player to watch web videos and view photos with friends
6. Show your style with emoticons, Avatars, audibles and IMVironments
7. Share securely with automatic file scanning for users of Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security 2007/2008
---Click Here to Download Yahoo Messenger.exe---
1. Instant message with one friend, or conference in a bunch
2. Send text messages (SMS) to friends' mobile phones
3. Join a chat room to meet new friends while you discuss your favorite topics
4. Make free PC-to-PC calls and PC-to-phone calls for as low as 1¢ a minute (plus free voicemail!)
5. Use the built-in media player to watch web videos and view photos with friends
6. Show your style with emoticons, Avatars, audibles and IMVironments
7. Share securely with automatic file scanning for users of Norton AntiVirus or Internet Security 2007/2008
---Click Here to Download Yahoo Messenger.exe---
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